Your chance to perform at our latest scratch night!

24 Jun 2024 Information, News, Uncategorized

We are looking for artists aged 16+ to present 10-15 minutes of a work-in-progress at our Scratch Night on Friday 19th July 2024. This is a great opportunity to workshop a piece which may be in the early stages of development and receive feedback from an audience. This might be short scenes from plays, comedy, music, spoken word, movement, drag, poetry etc.
Our Scratch Nights are held in our upstairs Bar and provide a relaxed and friendly evening for local performers from the East Anglian region to try out new work in front of an audience.
This scratch night is also a chance to network and develop conversations with professional performance makers as part of the Suffolk Theatre Professionals Network.
We are committed to providing a safe environment for artists to push the boundaries of their creativity, to try, fail and try again, and to interrogate their ideas and those of others within a supportive network of peers.

Performance should last for 10-15 minutes and artists will need to:
• Provide any props the performance requires.
• Provide all technical requirements with as much notice as possible (see ‘We Provide’ for tech info).
• Provide your own performers and creatives as required.
• Be available for a tech slot between 4pm and 6pm on the day of the event.

We provide:
• A slot to share your 10-15 minute piece of work-in-progress with an audience in our Café-Bar.
• Assistance with collecting feedback in a safe space.
• Basic technical support and operator for the performance (please note the venue is our Upstairs Bar with a max. playing space of 2m x 2m. We can only provide basic sound and the lighting will be in a fixed state).
• A total fee of £100 per performance slot.

How to Apply:
Send an email outlining who you are and what you want to perform to: Rachel Fitzgerald, Producer at: or call 01473 295 932.
You can include attachments of what you would like to perform or links to your work, website or socials where appropriate.

Applications close Friday 5th July 2024, 10am. We aim to let you know the outcome of your application by end of day Tuesday 9th July 2024.